Friday, 11 July 2014

Boxes, boxes everywhere...

I've been in the new Vicarage for about a week now. 

In my head, before I moved, I had a vision of how it would all look now. I would be organised, the boxes would be cleared, the study a model of organisation, and the rest of the house tidy and welcoming. Hmm. You would think that someone who has moved so often would know better. 

The reality is that there are boxes everywhere, the study is a model of chaos, and the house is, well, enough said. 

But I'm here! I've made it, and the rest will happen in time. The internet is (finally) up and running, and I'm starting to find my way about. Wroxham is a beautiful place to live, and I'm so looking forward to meeting people, and getting to know everyone. 

Anyone need any cardboard boxes? Only one previous careful owner! 

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