Thursday, 21 August 2014

A bit of space....

It's been a busy few weeks.  Moving house is stressful enough, but add to that a new job and all that entails, and life has been hectic to say the least.  A week with 400 Army Cadets last week was fun, but not relaxing, so given that I missed my day off last week, and will do the same this week, I was in the mood for a bit of space yesterday.  So I went to the beach.

I love the sea.  Always have, always will.  I grew up near the coast, and miss it when I'm away. So when I realised that I could be on a beach in less than half an hour, I was in the car.  I wanted space to relax, space to think through the last few weeks, and the next few weeks, space to - well, just space really!

I headed for Sea Palling.  Much recommended by various people, I thought it sounded good.  And it was.  Lots of families enjoying themselves, people surfing, dogs playing. The weather was beautiful.

There were lots of areas with breakers of rocks which kept the water calm inside them, and it was lovely to sit and just think and reflect and pray.  So much has happened recently that it was good to take some time to just be, to allow thoughts to run through my head in no order, while my brain sorted out all the stuff that has been milling around in there.

I didn't stay sitting for long.  I went for a long walk along the beach, out to where the waves were rather more active.

For the first time ever, I found myself really aware of just how loud the waves were - maybe because of how quiet the water on the Broads is.  I've become used to sitting quietly by a river and watching the water, smooth and gentle.  This water was anything but.  And a verse from Psalm 42 kept going round in my head...

Deep  calls to deep at the thunder of your cataracts;
all your waves and billows have gone over me.

Which reminded me of waterfalls, and watermills and all sorts of other types of water.  And then I thought about Jesus and his saying 'I am the water of life' and how I always think of water to drink when I read that - which is unsurprising because he goes on to say that anyone who drinks will never be thirsty - but water is so much more.  It's powerful, and gentle, and dangerous, and life giving, and is the basis of everything.  Ever seen those photos of deserts before and after a downpour?  From nothing to a life filled field in just hours!  And, for me, God is just the same.  Powerful, gentle, dangerous (not in a nasty way, but really not safe to hang round with if you want your life left alone!) life giving and so definitely the basis of everything.  And if you want to see new life, there's no one better!

While I was taking the pictures up above, I could feel someone watching me.  Want to see who it was?

Yup! A dog.  She (I think it was a she) watched me for ages. I finally realised she was a stray.  That's when the fun started as I tried to catch her.  I got closer...

But she really wasn't willing to be caught.  So I went to the local shop to buy water and food, and a lead and bowl.  There are some really lovely people in this world.  I bought a hot dog, and when the owners realised what it was for, they provided two leads, a bowl and some water!  If you're ever in Sea Palling - this is the shop to use!

Sadly, despite help from others, we couldn't catch her.  I had to leave, but left the lead with those who'd helped in the hope that they could manage it later.  I suspect she'll have to be rather more desperate before she gives up her freedom!  Needless to say I worried about her most of the night.

I headed home, vowing that I would remember to take time out to think and pray more often.  I love being a vicar, and am so enjoying my new post.  But I hadn't realise how much I needed to relax and just be.  You may find more about that in this month's Bridge letter, those of you in the area.


  1. It's lovely to read what you write about Jesus, praying and ' being.' I've learnt this since I've been ill, when I'm lying in bed for weeks at a time and can't do anything, He loves me just as I am. I can't earn His love or give Him anything, that's the power of His grace to me, that's it's all about what's in His heart, not what's in. Mine. Just to "be still and know that I am God. " He accepts me as I am, He gave me, He died for me " and afterwards He will take me into glory" . It's so good to find the space and quiet to find that and to test in it. Lovely words.

  2. That was suppose to say... ' rest ' not test and ' forgave ' not gave. Sorry

  3. Thanks Sarah, glad you liked it. x
