Saturday, 30 August 2014

Gonna lay down my sword and shield.....

....down by the riverside!

Had a fabulous time last Sunday afternoon at the Riverside Service in Wroxham.  It's set up by Churches Together, and was a great opportunity to meet with other local Christians.  I'm pretty sure the title of the service wasn't actually referencing the idea of giving up fighting, everyone seemed pretty friendly to me!

They've clearly been doing this a while.  I'd been asked in the week if I'd be happy for the chairs from St Mary's to be used.  I agreed, and no one has objected yet! They were duly picked up and delivered on the day.  No shortage of helpers to set them out.  Everyone here is so friendly, and I've yet to find something people won't help with.

I'd had nothing much to do with planning this event, so I had no real idea what to expect.  Matt - URC minister - has done most of it, as until I arrived there was nobody but him.  The new Roman Catholic priest arrives in September, and the Baptists are still awaiting a minister.  I suppose if I'd been asked, I'd have said that the music would be provided by someone with a keyboard, but no....

A full brass band began to set up....

Complete with very heavy drums!

They offered to let me help carry them, but I said I had to think of a talk.  Which was true. Hmmm.

There was a fair amount of curiosity around about what was going on.  I sat by the water thinking about what I was going to say, and got heckled! No, really!  'Oy Vicar! Aren't you supposed to be doing something else on a Sunday?' was one shout from a boat. No respect, I tell you.  I shouted back that I was just about to, if they'd like to join me.  But they'd clearly forgotten how to turn their boat around....

Some arrived by boat.....

Many on foot....

Some had no idea what was going on....

But eventually, and pretty much bang on time, we got started.  And it was brilliant!  Matt led the service really well, the band played amazingly with drum rolls before the final verses just to add to the uplifting feeling, the congregation sang loudly and with enthusiasm. And even in tune.  

And me?  Well, I did think of something to say.  I'd share it with you, but I truly hadn't any certain idea of what I was going to talk about until it came out of my mouth, so I don't have a copy to print here.  But it was largely based on the beach visit I blogged about, and the idea of God being like water - gentle enough to hold us, strong enough to give power, and yes, even dangerous.  To place yourself in the hands of the Living God is never never safe!  Do you honestly think I planned to be a Vicar!?

One thing I can share.... Halfway through my talk I remembered something I'd read in Tolstoy's A Confession.  About how, when he had been seeking answers about faith and God, he had a dream where he found himself lying comfortably on his back resting and looking upwards.  Then he looked down and realised how high he was, and that he was precariously balanced on ropes and began to panic, and as he struggled he felt himself begin to slip.  So he relaxed again and looked up and found himself held once more.  He realised that as long as he trusted and looked up, he was safe and held.  

Well, that's the brief synopsis anyway.  You can find the whole passage here

How did I do?  Dunno! You'd have to ask those that were there!

But it was a great afternoon, and I'm looking forward to next year's - especially as we will have a new RC priest and Baptist minister, so there is NO WAY I'm preaching again!

Thanks to all who helped, all who came, and all who organised.  

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